What Islam Says About Husbands (men) Who Don't Romance Their Wives

A lot of sisters have been asking me what Islam says about husbands (men) who don't romance their wives but straight to sex, like what my friend said that as for her she has No idea what romance is , because when the husband needs sex, she just lie down and then the husband just start Having sex with her and recently when I posted about breast sucking a lot of such questions came.

To my brothers In Islam, the prophet said no one should go to the wife like animals but should send a message.

Hope we know how animal mate (have sex)?

The prophet said don't do that but send message which means ROMANCE, romance your wife before moving to the main sex, romancing her will help her enjoy sex and will also makes you enjoy but if you just jump to her like animal you will always hurt her cos without her wetting she will feel pains but maybe won't tell you about the pains so please brothers don't be like animal as the prophet said, don't go to her like how animal does.

How to romance include:

Embracing her.

Fingering her.

Kissing her.

Sucking her nipples.

Touching the breasts or nipples.

Sucking the sex organs.

And again also try to know her sensitive parts so you can always touch there to make her wet, for you to even enjoy sex she needs to get wet ,so please brothers pay attention to what the prophet said and do send a message. don't just jump to her and sorry to say, you are not an animal to just jump to her like how animals do.

And again, even during her menses and nifas (childbirth) bleeding you can still do romance with her without sex in the vagina.

To sex your wife or how to make both of you enjoy sex is just up to you both, all sex position is allowed in Islam and you can touch everywhere too, but the limit sex by Allah is Having sex in the anus and during menses which is Haram.

So please is Haram to have sex in the anus and during Menses, apart from this you are free to do anything with her.

Sucking the sex organs is not Haram nor is Sinful, if you do it you are not sinful and if you don’t do it no problem, just that scholars don't encourage it but is not sinful.

Before you start intimacy especially coming from work, and you know you will love to do blow job (sucking) please you both should take bath cos neatness really matters and especially as far as blow job (sucking) is concern.

So please brothers, romance her and don't just jump to her.

Couples should not feel shy of each other at all.

Ayisha Allah Be Pleased With Her was shy of the prophet but later on whenever she need or feel sex and the prophet is not in the house, will go out and look for the prophet. so please shyness should not be between couples and especially during intimacy.

By: @Mujahida Fatima on Facebook



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